Making lists not only saves time but also increases my productivity and helps me to remember to get the car washed every now and again. Trying to remember 100 pieces of information on a daily basis, can be so straining and exhausting, that’s why you need lists in your...
It was only recently that I discovered the term batching. Well, I have probably heard the word before, but it really didn’t mean anything to me at the time. After finding out what it actually means, my productivity shot through the roof… // SO WHAT DOES BATCHING MEAN?...
In my previous post, FREE PRINTABLE BOOK TRACKER FOR AVID READERS, I shared with you a printable sheet that can help you keep track of the books that you’ve already read, as well as keep track of the books you are reading at the moment… Then I thought to...
Keeping track of all the books you have read, can be pretty tricky, especially if you are a book lover, like me. I don’t read nearly as much as I like, but I try to squeeze it in as often as I can… I created this book tracking sheet for myself, in order to keep...
You get some people who are totally just made for mornings, they always seem to wake up fresh and rejuvenated at 05:00, go for a morning run, do some quiet time, have a healthy breakfast, get ready for work, and all this before 07:00. That is definitely not me… This...
I am a 30-something city girl, who has a passion for living an organized and simple life. This blog is filled with amazing ideas, tips, tricks, and freebies, to help get you more organized in 2020!