If yes, then you are certainly in the right place. Life can be hectic, juggling your personal life, children, relationships, your career, and making time for yourself in between.

Simply Organize Life strives to bring some order to your daily chaos, through providing tools to help you make small meaningful changes and simplifying your life.  To help you get started, here are some popular posts to help you get started…

20 Things You Can DECLUTTER in 20 Minutes or Less

20 Things You Can DECLUTTER in 20 Minutes or Less

Clutter is the one thing that we can all live without but rarely do. In our house we use a nifty clutter basket, it helps us to manage most of our excess clutter but there is always room for...

8 Ways to Save Money when Grocery Shopping

8 Ways to Save Money when Grocery Shopping

Grocery shopping can eat away at your monthly budget, especially if you don’t have the right systems in place. Being disorganized can cost you a lot of extra money, which could have been saved, for...


Hello, Im Lone

Nice to meet you! I am a wife to an amazing husband, a mother to a very busy toddler, online entrepreneur, and an “I am sure this can wait till tomorrow” type of homemaker. I like sunny days, building puzzles, and spending time outdoors with my family.


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most recent posts

How to Create Your Perfect Morning Routine (PLUS FREE WORKSHEET)

How to Create Your Perfect Morning Routine (PLUS FREE WORKSHEET)

Mornings can be pretty hectic, there is usually so much to do and so little time. If you have a good morning, you are prone to have a good day. The opposite is usually also true… The main question is – how can I have a good, productive morning each day? Although I...

How to Tame Your Email Clutter and Get Inbox Zero

How to Tame Your Email Clutter and Get Inbox Zero

As I’m writing this post I have 5 different email address (I am not even sure why) and a combined email count of over 6 000+ emails... You are either totally shocked or maybe your just like “Well, not to burst your bubble, but I have over 10 000 emails…” Either way...

FREE – Wallpaper Wednesday – #makeithappen

FREE – Wallpaper Wednesday – #makeithappen

Welcome to Wallpaper Wednesday... Every second Wednesday, I will be posting an awesome motivational wallpaper to spruce up your desktop and mobile phone. This week is #makeithappen to give you just that extra encouragement for the week. Click on the below image for...

5 Simple Ways To Practice Self-Care Regularly

5 Simple Ways To Practice Self-Care Regularly

We don’t always realize the benefit of practicing self-care until it is too late, then we wonder why we are so stressed out over the small irritations in life. It is vital to realize that we only have one life and one body, which brings me to today’s topic of...

8 Organizing Tips I Have Learned from my Mother

8 Organizing Tips I Have Learned from my Mother

What can I say about my mother... I could probably write a book about her, but today I would only like to share some of the best organizing and time-saving tips she has taught me, whilst growing up... To be totally honest, I was a...

5 Things I Have Learned About Blogging & My 1st Year Blogiversary

5 Things I Have Learned About Blogging & My 1st Year Blogiversary

One year ago {today} I launched Simply Organize Life and man, what a journey it has been. Cheers and happy Blogiversary to me! Without getting emotional and all mushy, here is a list of 5 things I have learned in my first year of blogging: #1 - WHAT YOU PUT IN, IS...